The site is dedicated to topical issues of reproduction in the period when a woman has already reached menopause. We have tried to find articles that provide answers to the most common questions that concern patients. The articles were prepared by the site's expert, Ph.D. Reproductologist with extensive practical experience Sona Yuryevna Nshanyan


Pregnancy During Menopause: Is It Possible?

Female reproductive aging is usually characterized by the menopausal transition. During this time, the chance of getting pregnant decreases.

Menopausal disorders

Women menopausal disorders are - commonplace phenomenon in women during menopause. They arise against the background of estrogens deficit in woman's organism and come out with various symptoms, bringing sensation of discomfort and occasionally break general habitus at all.…

How to become pregnant with menopause

Every living creature on the Earth has its own stages of development. There are both periods of heyday, and a period of extinction. A woman in this regard, too, is no exception. The period of menopause is precisely the period of extinction, which sooner or later will be…

Is it possible to become pregnant with menopause

A woman at any age is beautiful with her values ​​and needs. When she turns 45, the production of ovaries that is produced is extinguished, estrogen and progesterone are already being produced to a lesser extent. As a result, the process of ovulation, through which fertilization…

Pregnancy during the menopause is possible or something worth remembering after 45

Women who think that with the onset of menopause the chance of becoming pregnant tends to zero - are greatly mistaken. You can get pregnant during menopause and even give birth to a healthy baby, but you need to know all the detailed information about it. According to…